Mongolian Death Worm

The legend of this creepy fellow originated in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Though sightings are often doubted and disputed, locals remain adamant that this creature is out there. This creature is a massive worm, ranging from 2ft to 5 ft in length, which spits acid and shoots electricity at its victims. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter this worm, it is likely that … Continue reading Mongolian Death Worm


This beast is among the newest mythological creatures, with the first reports coming in 1995. The tale originated in Puerto Rico, where farmers would find their goats and other livestock dead, with vampiric puncture wounds and a lack of blood. Firsthand accounts describe the creature as looking like a small bear, with fangs and spikes protruding from its spine. Sightings and similar accounts have since … Continue reading Chupacabra