Death of Charles Walton

Charles Watson was well known to the people of Lower Quinton, England, but it was for a reason that some considered peculiar. He appeared to be able to communicate with animals, feeding birds out of his own hand and commanding wild animals with his voice. On Valentine’s Day in 1945, at the age of 74 Walton met a brutal end. He was found with his throat … Continue reading Death of Charles Walton

Witch in the Woods, Gadsden

Those who walk along the wooded Hinds Road in Gadsden are likely to run across a woman who is said to have “sold her soul to the devil,” according to Legend says the woman was a witch who lived in a shack deep in the woods and “her evil soul still lingers on to frighten and bedevil the good folk of Alabama.” Continue reading Witch in the Woods, Gadsden

How The Historic Persecution of Witches Led to The Infamous Salem Witchcraft Trials

How the Historic Persecution of Witches Led to the Infamous Salem Witchcraft Trials Long before the bloody horrors that took place during the Salem witch trials, those accused of witchcraft often found themselves strapped to a burning stake or caught in the hangman’s noose.   Ireland 1324. The bishop of Ossory, Richard Ledrede, condemns his diocese as a hotbed of devil worshippers. At the centre … Continue reading How The Historic Persecution of Witches Led to The Infamous Salem Witchcraft Trials

Bulgaria circa 1979 in the Dobritch region. A rural area known for high levels of occult and pagan practices, even today.

Interestingly enough, this area was avoided like the plague during this period because of disappearances and what was reported to be ‘an atmosphere of oppression’. And by the way, chances are that car is not empty. Continue reading Bulgaria circa 1979 in the Dobritch region. A rural area known for high levels of occult and pagan practices, even today.