Husband Tells Wife to Close Her Eyes for Surprise, Stabs Her in The Neck!

A husband on trial for attempted murder was convicted last week of stabbing his wife in the neck after asking her to close her eyes and wait for a surprise. 34-year-old Shaun May, who faced trial at the Maidstone Crown Court in Kent, England, stabbed his wife, Laura May, in the neck in an unprovoked and sudden attack. Prosecutor Robin Griffiths told the jury that … Continue reading Husband Tells Wife to Close Her Eyes for Surprise, Stabs Her in The Neck!

The Charfield Railway Disaster

The Charfield railway disaster was a fatal train crash which occurred on 13 October 1928 in the village of Charfield in the English county of  Gloucestershire. The Leeds to Bristol London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) night mail train failed to stop at the signals protecting the down refuge siding at Charfield railway station. Thick fog obscured a red signal by the Charfield railway station, and the train crashed into a freight train, igniting gas cylinders … Continue reading The Charfield Railway Disaster

Murder of James Patrick Bulger

James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 – 12 February 1993) was a 2-year-old boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was abducted, tortured and killed by two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables. Bulger was led away from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle as his mother had taken her eyes off him momentarily. His mutilated body was found on a railway line 2.5 … Continue reading Murder of James Patrick Bulger

The Cannock Chase Murders

The Cannock Chase murders (also known as the A34 murders) were the murders of three young school girls that occurred in Staffordshire, England, during the late 1960s. In a trial reported to have received “unprecedented public interest”, Raymond Leslie Morris of Walsall was convicted at Staffordshire Assizes of the murder of Christine Ann Darby after one of the largest manhunts in British history. Morris is … Continue reading The Cannock Chase Murders

Death of Charles Walton

Charles Watson was well known to the people of Lower Quinton, England, but it was for a reason that some considered peculiar. He appeared to be able to communicate with animals, feeding birds out of his own hand and commanding wild animals with his voice. On Valentine’s Day in 1945, at the age of 74 Walton met a brutal end. He was found with his throat … Continue reading Death of Charles Walton

The Ostrich Inn

The Ostrich Inn in Berkshire, England is now a quaint pub, but its original owner had very different intentions. When wealthy guests would stay at the Inn, the owner would plot to murder and rob them. His method of killing was extremely gruesome. When guests fell asleep, their bed would tip over and drop them through a trap door. On the other side was a … Continue reading The Ostrich Inn

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

Raynham Hall of Norfork, England is said to be haunted by Lady Dorothy Walpole, the sister of Robert Walpole (who is considered to be the first Prime Minister of Great Britain) and wife of the violently tempered Charles Townshend. She died in 1726 of smallpox and was first sighted in 1835 during a Christmas celebration. She was wearing a dated brown dress and had empty … Continue reading The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall