Poinciana Woman

“I live in Northern Australia and everyone growing up in my town knows of the legend of the Poinciana woman. A quick google search will elaborate into the many variations to the story but the one I grew up to know is that of a woman who was raped by Japanese fishermen who hanged herself from a poinciana tree when she had discovered she was … Continue reading Poinciana Woman

Overtoun Bridge

“There’s an old house to the north of my hometown in Scotland called Overtoun House, and the legend goes that walking your dog along the bridge that leads up to the house will cause it to spontaneously leap to its death from the bridge. This is an observable thing that actually has happened at least 50 times. People will refuse to cross the bridge, as … Continue reading Overtoun Bridge

LoveLady Bridge

Located in Camphill Alabama The creepy bridge over looking train tracks is Reportedly the site of a suicide or car accident in which a pregnant woman died. Apparently you can hear her crying at night on the bridge. “I have lived and been around the area a long time and everyone has a different story. They say that you need to go up to the … Continue reading LoveLady Bridge

Mongolian Death Worm

The legend of this creepy fellow originated in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Though sightings are often doubted and disputed, locals remain adamant that this creature is out there. This creature is a massive worm, ranging from 2ft to 5 ft in length, which spits acid and shoots electricity at its victims. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter this worm, it is likely that … Continue reading Mongolian Death Worm


This beast is among the newest mythological creatures, with the first reports coming in 1995. The tale originated in Puerto Rico, where farmers would find their goats and other livestock dead, with vampiric puncture wounds and a lack of blood. Firsthand accounts describe the creature as looking like a small bear, with fangs and spikes protruding from its spine. Sightings and similar accounts have since … Continue reading Chupacabra

Dead Children’s Playground

“Back when I lived in Huntsville my home was ~100 yards away from the “Dead Children’s Playground”. During the day it was just a place parents could drop their kids while they visited buried loved ones, but during the night it’s also a huge fog trap due to a giant rock wall around half of it. Supposedly swings move on their own and you can … Continue reading Dead Children’s Playground


“Mothman. In a 13 months period between 1965-1966, the town of Point Pleasant, WV reported seeing a winged beast with big red eyes. The last report was the beast standing on the Silver Bridge. And then the silver bridge collapsed. The beast wasn’t reported again afterwards.” — TheSpanishDerp The legend of Mothman originated in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Two couples were driving near an old power … Continue reading Mothman

Ekimmu “Snatched Away”

In the Mesopotamian Empire, there were these creatures called Ekimmu. Ekimmu means “snatched away”. Mesopotamians dreaded the Ekimmu, and prayed that they themselves were not one day turned into an angry bitter spirit banished to roam the earth in search of peace. The Ekimmu are said to appear as a demon phantom-like creature that searches for victims to feed its misery. The Mesopotamians also called the … Continue reading Ekimmu “Snatched Away”